Saturday, November 6, 2010

Drugs the supply and the demand.

"I done seen drugs and money run the whole thing!" A line that is true to the highest degree. I did some research and the information i got was astounding:

In 2001 from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy compiled these numbers.

Americans ages 12 - 17  28.4% of them REPORTED use of illicit  drugs. 18 - 25 was 55.6%, 25 - 34 was 53.6%, 35 and older 38.4%. This was in 2001 and  only what got reported, these numbers are HUGE for the American population.

I was riding the A train today from the Upper West side to Mid Town, and this guy hopped on. He was white looked like a wrinkled 28, his eyes said nothing, his arms all bruised clearly from itching himself a lot and his teeth dark brown and decaying. He sat there dusting imaginary things of his face, scratching his leg and head and brushing his nose constantly. He was a sight to behold, and i felt sorry for him. Drugs had taken a hold of him and he was definitely lost.  

The party industry is filled with drug use ecstasy and cocaine the most popular, many young people enter this world and want the full party experience, the drink, pop pills and snort coke and some have the ability to stop, but many get wrapped into the lifestyle. The thing about drug use is that many people use them but they are able to support the habit. Your boss might be a cocaine addict but you'll never  know because he'll always be able to supply his habit. 

My concern are and will always be the kids. The ones that are pressured into the use of drugs, i've been on the party scene for over 3 years and if i can do it and be so cool then you can too! It is not necessary to use drugs, you will be offered it, but trust me more people will respect you more when you say no! i've said no many times and i know you can as well. 

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