The Media Regime BLOGS
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
my journey
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Loving You No More...
Learning to love is equivelent to learning when to let go. Both go hand in hand- when the love is gone, don't take it personal...take it as a gesture of good faith. You are now free to locate, and identify your Mr. Or Mrs. Right!
Happy Hunting
Sunday, January 23, 2011
ME - YOU wait ME but still YOU
The power of the Universe. Our solar systems center is the sun it fuels, warms and gives energy to our planet earth, with out the sun there is no life. The we look at our body and the body of all living things, our center is our heart, which does for us the same the Sun does for the Solar system and Earth. then we go smaller to cells, yet the same and atoms yet the same at the center there is always something that "holds it together"
On my drive home from the club (sober) i gave the light technician a ride home and he said to me, everything I do is all about ME. There were somethings he told me that i think a blog would not be the best place to post, things that all of you that read this will learn in your own time in the most unthinkable way.
But after we spoke, well he spoke. I did a lot of thinking. Many religious writings talk about this person who created us, God, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah whatever you call him, they talk about him creating us in his likeness. Yet we allow ourselves to be limited in many aspects of our existence. The simple fact that we exist is power, A power that is not man made, but a power that comes from an unknown space and we are created and we grow and that power stay within each and every one of us. Yet we never attempt to learn how to use this power and go move mountains. We were made in the creators' likeness, the being that made all these things around us made us to be like him. Creative and knowledgeable, he gave us trees and we knew to make boats and houses with the wood from them, he gave us everything we could possibly need and the knowledge and power to use these things.
So i figured I would share this so that you who read this can realize that YOU are the only thing that prevents you from being what you want to be! You have the power to move things, you have the power to decide what you want and go for it. BUT IT IS YOU THAT GIVE UP AND SETTLE FOR LESS FOR THE SAKE OF COMFORT....A COMFORT THAT YOU ARE UNSATISFIED WITH THOUGH. So my young leaders the Sean Biggs, Coco and Breezys, Haute Matthews, Janera Hollywoods, Gingers, Rowens and all you super powerful young people of the new world, this is our time nothing can stop us, because we were created to be unstoppable! Even in death there is a mystery to what's next, so before we move to the next stage, we should aim to conquer this one WE ARE HERE for a reason, we took our first breath and our heart raced!! and we were ready from that moment!!!
We have something given to us by a being with supernatural powers, so if we are all a product of him, then we have this power deep down!!!!
i hope those that need to read this. 2012 the world as we know it will change they say, let US, ME, YOU be that change!!!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
American Idol 2011-Season 10
I don’t know about you guys…but I was ROTFL as I watched Americans across the world embark on what some considered their “life-long dream” of becoming the next American Idol. And just when you thought you escaped “Jersey Shore”…There they were fist pumping their way into your home…one poof at a time.
This Season seems exceptionally funny since millions of Americans now feel the need to “step out of the box” and be themselves while hoping to win a golden ticket to Hollywood. I laughed until I felt as though I did a 6 hour workout at the gym. Non stop ridiculousness, followed by bizarre behavior, quirky personalities, sob stories and then just when you hit the “info” button on your remote control to be sure you weren’t watching some improve comedy show you were reminded thatAmerican Idol is indeed seeking talent when one of my favorite “Sweet 16’ers” performed… Cutie pie form the Bronx, Curly Sue from Staten Island, the Sweetheart from Long Island, and My favorite Singing waitress from New York.
Stay Tuned My Friends…We are in for a hilarious ride
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Remembering Dr.King-A National Hero