Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Loving You No More...

Loving someone or something can become so overwhelming that one may not even be aware that they are only in love with the idea of love itself…Being in a relationship with someone that doesn’t even notice you, and then finding someone that notices everything about you is as deadly as a snake bite. Things are always great during the “honeymoon” phase, until you begin to notice the cracks in your man’s shiny armor that weren’t as apparent before. Love can start as enchanting as rose’s everyday just to say “I love you” then drastically decline into you being pushed down a flight of stairs. No! The grass is NOT always greener on the other side, and the steam isn’t always hotter in the other kitchen. When you realize that you are in the "Loving you no more" stages, it's about that time.
Learning to love is equivelent to learning when to let go. Both go hand in hand- when the love is gone, don't take it personal...take it as a gesture of good faith. You are now free to locate, and identify your Mr. Or Mrs. Right!

Happy Hunting

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