Sunday, March 29, 2009

Been away for a while

What's up bloggers, followers, supporters. Hi Haters, I haven't written in a while, Alot of crazy things went down this week, but i've been too consumed in other pressing matters than to take on stupid people, foolish bouncers, slow club managers, and drunk groupie chics.

I've been in meetings, confrence calls, and sending emails like crazy to make Thursday's party a great success. I have the rappers from MMP flying in from ATL, got people flying in from Boston. Tuesday I confirm with a certain celeb, I've got camera crews coming in, including VH1. NY Knicks are in the cards to attend. My dancers and ready to do their thing, my models are set, designers are making their pieces, the musician want to rock the mic and DJs Miester and Geo are gonna make you move your feet.

NEW YORK CITY you are not ready for this.......or are you???

This is and will be the hottest event in months.

Get your VIP RSVPs in, pop bottles and flirt with models. Network and lets make some money together.

EarthQuake ENT and MultiMinds Productions are here to stay, and you can hate it or love it!!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ok some of you may know of the topic i posted on Facebook about T Pain cancelling his performance in Guyana South America because he allegedly received informations from a "trusted" source about possible kidnap and death threats against him... hmm now why would anyone want to do such things to him for absolutly no reason...

Well it has been brought to my attention that Mr on everytrack is being sued by the lawyers of the promotion company that had signed the contract with him for his performance to happen (hits and jams)

After doing a little investigating i found out a couple sides to the story. One was a rival promotion company was contacting T Pains camp and making threats in an effort to make the show fail.

Another source,this was what i read, said that T Pain's camp was warned by a contact they have in Guyana, that they apparently "worked" with in the past and they trusted.

But at the end of all this Hit and Jams camp are claiming it was a breach of their wrtitten contract.

So lets see where this here goes........

Spring NYC 2009

MultiMinds Productions and Earthquake ENT in the building!

Music video and Model casting so come fresh!!!

Special celebrity appearances

Spring break drink specials

Prize giveways for best dressed ladies

Party time 10 pm

ladies free all night gents $10 after 11pm

21+ ID a must.

We celebrating all things spring break, and the success of the new MultiMinds Productions hit and Spring Break 2009 Anthem, "That Patron" as well as looking for talent for future videos and promotional endeavors. Come network, have fun, and forget you missed out on Cancun this year.

Come appropriately dressed for the event, and be warned, it might get a little hot...

Hit me up 646 492 4543 , email

Multi Minds Production

We met, we talked and we are going to conquer!!! Multi Minds and Earthquake are on the verge of a massive shake up in the music and entertainment game!!! The Multi Minds website is up ( the Earthquake Ent website is now in the lab and the facelift is complete, the DJs are better, new graphics designer, Multi minds has the brand new studio, fully loaded and ready for rockstars!!!

We are a movement of music lovers, producers, business men and event planners, we will bring you beautiful music, exciting events and much more.

Remember MultiMinds Production and Earthquake ENT!!! Its the shake up people!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blame it on the .....Holy Ghost???

the L train soulfull!!!!

The train ride home early Sunday morning was actually a happy one. I hope on the L at 14th and there is a dude pounding away on his keyboard and achic blowing (minds out the gutter fellas) on a harmonica, and singing WOW!!! And it was actually so good. Everyone in that car had a smile, drunk, sober, tired or going to work they were all happy. one of the best train rides ever..

Church on the train i called it!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What i'm destined to be - By Yonnick David founder of Earthquake ENT

I'm sitting to here listening to Maino feat T-Pain....

Tell me what do you see when you looking at me.
On a mission to be what i'm destined to be
I done been through the pain and sorry the struggle it's nothing but love
I'm a soilder a rider a ghetto survivor and all the above!!!

To some its just dumb rap lyrics, to others its a life story and it's lived everyday. Everyday when people like us step out our homes we have to wonder what people see when they look at us. And they can never know the misson we are on and where we are destined to go. And they judge, Yonnick is always in the clubs popping bottles yet he can't give me a 100 bucks, stop judging i'm in the club working!!! this is what i do, sorry my office doesn't have a shirt and tie policy like yours, sorry i can wake up roll over and press a button and be at work and you got to commute, stop hating!!! I'm on a mission and that mission is to be where and what i'm destined for.

Maino this is one of his best tracks since he came out to the commercial scene, this is the type of music we need spinning, inspiration for dark times all people want is hope to survive. As long as there is hope then survival comes natural. Let's get together and keep our economy alive, lets spend but spend to get returns, it's up tp us to keep our country afloat.

So keep huslin and keep ridin and we all gonna be sitting high sing...ALL THE ABOVE!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Make The Recession Work For You - Peter Bregman (from CNN mobile )

A friend of mine, a senior leader in a pharmaceutical company, spends all her spare time doing yoga, taking classes in comparative religions, reading about spirituality, speaking with others about their beliefs. Just talking about it energizes her.Which is not how she feels about her day job."Why don't you leave your job and do something with this full time?" I asked her."I've thought about it. But I could never make the kind of money I make now."She might be right. But the question isn't whether she could make as much money. Even if she stays in her job she's unlikely to do that in this economy.The question is far broader and more interesting. What would her life look like -- in every dimension she values -- if she decided to pursue her passion full time?She needs to consider the contribution she'd make. The relationships she'd foster. The fun she'd have. The feelings she'd carry with her throughout the day. Her engagement in her work. In short, what her life would mean.And, of course, also the money. Which, as it turns out, might actually be greater if she were more engaged in her work. Gallup has collected data on 5.4 million employees in over 137 countries and concluded that engaged employees are more productive and customer-focused. And more profitable. Which could mean more money for her.But why are we even having this conversation during the worst downturn this country has seen in the last 70 years? Isn't she lucky simply to have a job?Yes. And, because of that, she's also stuck. For better and worse, she probably won't leave.But maybe you're not so lucky -- you've been laid off or might be soon; you're a student coming into the job market; or like several people I know, you've been thinking about a change.Well, this is your opportunity. You didn't want to risk a change when things were going well. There was too much to lose.But this downturn, this economic mess we're in, could be your chance. When everything was going well, we spent money we didn't have thinking we would make more tomorrow. Well, tomorrow came. It's easy to point a finger at Bernie Madoff (and he deserves the finger), but the truth is, it's not just him. We're all victims of our own little Ponzi Schemes. But now we know.The life we've been living, the debt we've been incurring, is unsustainable. Maybe the layoff is a favor. You were treated as expendable. But were you, working those long hours to keep a job you didn't love, treating your self as expendable too?Depressing? Sure. But now that we know, we can do something about it.I don't want to be cavalier; I know food on the table is a necessity. We still need work and money. Here are our new rules for finding it:Rule #1: Don't spend too much time looking for your next job. As I discuss in my article for Harvard Business, "Need to Find a Job? Stop Looking So Hard," searching for a job more than 1-2 hours a day will actually make it less likely you'll find one.Rule #2: Focus your time on what you're truly passionate about. Get more training. Expand your comfort zone with new activities, new people. Studies show that 80 percent of jobs are found through networking. Which is what you're doing when you pursue your passion with other people. So do it without guilt. Spend your newfound spare time doing what you enjoy with people whom you enjoy.Rule #3: Let those people know you want to make your money doing these things. Don't hammer it in. Just mention it. Once.Successful people are passionate, obsessed. And obsession isn't motivated by money. It's deeper than that. Find your obsession. Let it loose.Employers want to hire someone who is naturally driven. Self-motivated. You'll work at your obsession all the time because you want to. And that kind of persistence, that kind of focus, is worth a lot of money.But don't make the mistake of chasing the money. That's what got us into this mess in the first place. Let the money chase you.Most people are afraid to do that. Afraid of the risk. Afraid of the gap in their resume. They try to cover it up. Find ways to explain it away. But my advice to employers is hire for the gap. It's often the most interesting part of a person's life. What does a person do when they don't have anything they have to do? What do they do in their spare time? If you can hire someone for that, you'll find your star.This isn't the time to be afraid of risk. It's too late. You're already in the risk. You might not have chosen it, but why not take control and act as if you had?Remember my friend working at the pharmaceutical company -- the one with the job? By staying in work she doesn't love, she's taking a risk too. She's risking her life.Imagine how great she would be, how much she would offer, how much she would gain, if she devoted herself to her passion?Now how about you?Let's become a nation of people who love what we do.The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Peter Bregman.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Ponder

I know this is suppose to be generally an Entertainment, fashion blog site. But Earthquake ENT opened it to me to write a bit.

I've been sitting and thinking why is society created in such a way that the less fortunate can never be accepted? Why the girl always picks the guy that "seems" to be popping the most bottles in the club then a week later she's heart broken and crying that she was played, GO FIGURE CHIC!!!! Women need to live for higher standards in these days, live to be happy emotionally and work to be happy financially, make your own money, and don't shun the guy that doesn't make as much as you or is broke that's the guy that might treat you like a true queen, not by buying you fancy things but by making your heart whole and making you blush, making you feel appreciated! And if you beleive in love, then he will make you feel loved. Stop gold digging , if your not gold digging but you just don't want to be stuck with a male that's with you for your money, use the brain and inner person that God blessed you with. If he's really making and effort he will be doing things to make money, or working on aproject that he loves and hoping it makes money, but you will see progress. We know that in any serious relationship money is an issue, but what can you do if one partner just isn't making it as fast as he or she used to, that is not reason enough to leave. Give encouragement, show love and appreciation. Good things will come your way.

Pray and live your life in good morals, we are human we will do wrong and we will never follow all that we have been thought. But try your best to be honest and true. Live your life smarty ladies.

one love to all

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good Weekend

This weekend was light on the foot traffic in the Meat Packing and Chelsea area. Friday we were in Marquee, it was an easy night with no drama at the door and again thank you Wass the doorman. The party was packed and they should have had all sections open but i understand it would have meant Hiring a third DJ and times arent smooth. Good job Marquee you guys made Friday night worth it for everyone that came out. special mention that beautiful female bartender up stairs she was excellent herservice was efficient, (server 210 Collins) wonderful job. Mr Matt Jamson, great guy wondrful attitude and spirit and all your security officers are excellent

As usual my time at velour was pleasent and fun.

Saturday it was Mansion, which is now M2 Ultra Lounge bad idea I and alot of party people that i have spoken with think. But hey who are we to say. The people at the table that do the guest lists need to be more flexable and be less stressed. they are not gods just regular people so they need to watch their mouth too. Security and bathroom attendants are cool and the coat check peeps shouts to you guys, bartenders and waitresses. My guy Max at the door very cool gentleman, no extremly cool and does a great job and quite resonable....

Anyway folks today i am quite tired so thatwill be it for now..

EQE out

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring NYC 2009

Hey party people! today there is no club bashing or dumb doormantalk. Today i want to promote my up and coming party on April 2nd. The venue is Van Diemens 383 Third ave between 27th and 28th.

The party was created for all the people who cant make it to a Spring break location like Miami or Cancun! So we will be partying it up right here in the city!!! Free jello shots and popcicles all night, Dancers and models, Clothing display and album lauching are all part of the night's events. The party starts an 10pm and Ladies are free all night while gentle men pay after 11pm. Three lucky women will win each a dinner for two, for the most creative or best loooking outfit fot the party.

I look foward to seeing as many people at this event, and yes EQE will be there and if my party needs bashing it will be bashed by them.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Designer

I have been furtunate to meet alot of interesting and passionate people. Some of them include a number of young and passionate designers.

Chupz Likkle London

Clothing Designed by Sherri


These girls have a great eye for fashion and their talent and passion is contagious. They have done two show for me and were great, tired and stressed out they have prevailed and have done me proud and I'm sure everyone else who is behind them. Their work is a great mixture of the retro look with a futuristic robotic kinda vibe (in my eyes). Its hot, its sexy its catchy i want to see more of it, so much more that I'll be throwing a retro/80s/90s jam and i plan to flood it with models in Chupz'LL.

Any way thats to come. These girls are working ladies, going to school and persuing they're passion of fashion design. All of their work so far are for women however they will be releasing a men's line in the near future.

More on Chupzz'LL on a future blog spot!!!

Thanks for reading

EQE out!!!

Tuesday 10th March

It was quite a slow night last night. Cain Luxe had they're "grand" tuesday night opening, introducing a Tuesday night party to NYC.

Cain Luxe 544 NW 27th st New York NY (Off 11th Ave)

The party was a slow starter but I won't hag on them too much since it's the first Tuesday party and the music was great,shouts to the DJ. The crowd picked up around 2am but by 3:30 am everyone was making their way out but naturally since most people work...or go to school. The door service is great shouts to Malcom the door guy. Security is also great guys wonderful attitude, shouts to the bouncers. So not to fear this party will be a crazy one to be at once mid terms are done and the word gets a round Cain Luxe will be a major Tuesday spot. For tuesday guestlists call 646 492 4543.

Marquee 289 10th Ave (and W27th)

Great crowd came out to the more popular Tuesday night party, however I did not linger for a long time, especially since the door guy pissed me off!!! I dislike 40 year old men that work at doors of clubs and act like they are the shit!! can i say that word here? Dude go get a life!!! People marquee it self is an attracticve club with decent music most times, the table prices are dumb but not many clubs in NY have decent bottle prices, but the door guys can be very irritating I'd say his name but i'm not sure if he can take me to court. But I've noticed a pattern at Marquee so if you dont look like a model (girls) or you dont have a flock of girls around you (guys) prepare to buy a bottle or two. But once you get in Marquee is great, big ups to management. Door guy YOU SUCK!!! *hint hint* and yes i can get you into marquee some nights just call me

Velour 297 10th ave (and W27th st)

Now this spot is my pet!!! I love the bartenders, waitresses, management, owners, security,doorpersons, barbacks you get the point right. Everyone is so friendly! the atmosphere makes you feel so comfortable and the service makes you want to stay. Bottle prices are the best I have seen in that area, you can take your date there and have a bottle of wine and some finger food and not break $100!!! How great is that a place still exists for the ordinary man, and NO COVER people!!!

I was there also last night, I know what your thinking, yes I go everywhere!!! now it was a private party, but I got in, Nick Cannon was on the 1s and 2s, Shouts to DJ Nick LOL, he held it down man, David Banner was in the building, Mr Bentley, DJ Flipside, DJ Madlinks and the man that mad it happen Butta MAN!! Shouts to all of yall. Make Velour the spot.
Roll in there and if you see me i like Pinot Grigio or Grey Goose.

Much Love
See you all in the city
EQE signing out